Closing the application process today
23 people have applied. My partner and I will have the difficult task of selecting 10. As noted in the application intro letter, we are prioritizing those with the greatest need for job security at this time. For those who applied and are not accepted, please look for future mentorships here either offered by myself or when members of this first group take on their own apprentices.
All the equipment is rolling in. For our Standard Mentee, there should be sufficient financial support to cover their equipment bundle. Supporting Mentee will cover their own equipment, which is $200. Other equipment, such as a second grinder for my workshop, is being paid for by my own fundraiser.
An exciting update to share is that this program will be helping mentee generate income from Day 1. All mentees will start promoting their knife sharpening services before the first meeting. More details will be sent with the acceptance notice.
Here's a bit of cutlery-themed art I just made. Besides sharpening a lot of knives and learning new skills, I hope we'll also have a lot of fun building a community together.
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